Yellow Roses
A dozen roses with an assortment of textural greens. Standard- Classic Greens ONLY (Leather and Salal) Deluxe- upgraded greens (salal, pitt, Israeli Ruscus + Gyp for filler) Premium- Salal, Israeli Ruscus, Italian ruscus, wax for filler)
A dozen roses with an assortment of textural greens. Standard- Classic Greens ONLY (Leather and Salal) Deluxe- upgraded greens (salal, pitt, Israeli Ruscus + Gyp for filler) Premium- Salal, Israeli Ruscus, Italian ruscus, wax for filler)
A dozen roses with an assortment of textural greens. Standard- Classic Greens ONLY (Leather and Salal) Deluxe- upgraded greens (salal, pitt, Israeli Ruscus + Gyp for filler) Premium- Salal, Israeli Ruscus, Italian ruscus, wax for filler)
All prices in USD ($)
Standard (Classic Greens ONLY)
Deluxe (Upgraded Greens & babie breath)
Premium (Upgraded Greens & wax flower)
Standard (Classic Greens ONLY) - $80.00
Deluxe (Upgraded Greens & babie breath) - $100.00
Premium (Upgraded Greens & wax flower) - $125.00